Saturday, November 26, 2016

Week 4 here we go!

For being Thanksgiving and as terrified as I was to weigh we did good as a group!

As a total we went down 2.3 pounds!!

Melissa .97%
Amber .47%
Sara 1.9%

We are a total .6% loss from the first week.

CRAZY good job this week SARAH!


A recent study suggests EACH time you eat fast food, your BMI (body mass index) is bumped up by 0.03. While I’m not convinced this warrants more government intervention to keep us from making poor dietary choices, it may be a good reason to make better choices on an individual basis. This week, instead of heading for Wendy’s, Burger King, McDonald’s or even Chick-fil-A for lunch, try brown-bagging it. Drive past the Crown Burger, Taco Bell, KFC and Sonic on your way to a home-cooked dinner. Plan ahead so you won’t have to choose between shopping for ingredients and ordering pizza delivery. Yes, I know it’s inconvenient, but it’s worth it. If you avoid fast food this entire week, your wallet and your waistline will thank you. And you can enter our drawing next Saturday.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

WEEK TWO results

Hey everyone, rough week and this next one might be also with the amazing food the holiday brings. But let's watch our servings and keep it in control.

I am going to put more detail into the details of the weeks gains and losses...

Melissa gained 1.17%
Amber stayed even
Christine lost 1.48%
Cathie gained 1.18%
Sara lost 1.96%

Total from week one we are at a total loss of 4.2 pounds which is still awesome and amazing. You got this!!!

Everyone completed last weeks challenge!!


This week’s challenge involves sleep. What does sleep have to do with weight loss? Several things, actually. If you’re tired your body is more likely to respond by asking for food than by asking for a nap. Exhaustion can lead to poor choices, like binge-ing. But more importantly, sleep is when our bodies perform the “housekeeping” tasks that are difficult while we’re awake. If you’re sleep-deprived, your metabolism can’t function the way it was meant to. If you get at least seven hours of sleep per 24-hour period, you’ll feel better. Do it each day this week and you can put your name in the drawing next Saturday.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Week two, here we go!

Week 1 results are in!

We lost a total of 1.19% which is FANTASTIC!! The top losers are...

Cathie 1.74%
Amber .94%

Keep up the good work! Not easy but now that we are one week in, keep watching how much you move and what you put in.

Sarah won the challenge this week. Since we don't have many members of the group I am going to keep the end prizes as $60, $40 for first and second place and $25 will be given to whomever completes the most challenges.


Water is so important, especially while you’re dieting.
Initial weight loss is largely due to water loss, so you need to drink more to avoid dehydration.
Burning calories requires an adequate supply of water; dehydration slows down the fat-burning process.
Dehydration can cause headaches. It can also make you feel tired or hungry.
Water helps to maintain muscle tone and to lubricate joints.
A healthy diet includes fiber, but fiber without adequate fluids it can cause constipation.
Drinking water before meals can make you feel full sooner.
Most people should drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day, so that's our challenge for this week.

Keep up the good work!

Saturday, November 5, 2016


Okay! Here we go!

Each week you will have a challenge. Accomplish the challenge and your name will go into a raffle.

It will also give you something to focus on.


I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” It’s true, of course, but delayed gratification can be difficult. This week our challenge is to make a note of the things we’re craving. (I’d give you a few examples, but I’m afraid that would be counterproductive.) Instead of eating the treat that’s been tempting you, make a note of it. No, not just a mental note. Actually get a pencil and paper and write it down. By the end of the week you should have a nice list of things you would have eaten if not for your own will power. Chose one item on your list that still sounds yummy and reward yourself with it. Instead of feeling deprived, you’ll start the week with a new sense of accomplishment. And you can enter our drawing for next week's prize.